Monday, November 8, 2010

Time Off

It's my first day back at work after 5 days off. I wish I could report that I was doing something fun, but, I had my wisdom teeth pulled last Thursday. It's still a little tender, but I think I'm pretty lucky considering I didn't swell up like a chipmunk storing food for the winter.

In between bouts of lortab induced delirium (and sometimes in the midst of them) I was able to get my house clean and my laundry done. It was also nice to spend the time with my kids. My daughter had Thursday and Friday off from school, so we had lots of family together time.  I think the words I used were "blissfully domestic" to which my good friend and co-worker replied my brain must be rotting away from the lortab. She may be right.

I also discovered baking with splenda. I made these super yummy banana chocolate chip cookies. At only 107 calories each (instead of 140 if I'd have used sugar). It's nice to have a treat to satify my sweet tooth. Now if I could find a suitable substitute for the butter, and a good sugar free chocolate chip (I know I may be dreaming).

Banana Cookies
yield: 24 cookies
350 degreesn 15 minutes

1/2 cup butter
1 cup splenda
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup mashed bananas
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1 cup chocolate chips

Cream together the butter and splenda, add the egg and vanilla. Add the baking soda to the banana and let it fizz a bit, then add it to the butter mixture. Combine the dry ingredients and mix into the wet stuff just until it's combined then fold in the chips. BTW, you can eliminate 25 calories per cookie by taking out the chips, but who wants to do that? Drop them by spoonfuls onto parchment lined cookie sheet, bake, and enjoy!

My daughter and her friend both loved them, so, they passed the ultimate 8 year old test. :)

Much love,

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